Wednesday 5 June 2013

Work Similarities

Pick Me Up Exibition Work VS Rik Lee

These pieces of work were seen at the Pick Me Up Exhibition. When seeing these pieces of work it immediately reminded me of an artist that I had found out shortly before this exhibition.

Although these are very different to what Rik Lee has produced they have similarities which will be discussed in this blog post.

This artist has their work on a white background and they use 3 colour of which are white, black and pink. The designs look like they are shirt designs and also have a lot of detail of which are the tattoos and the detail in the hair for the man. In the images most of it is outlines rather than fills which is interesting for the woman however I think that the image of the man looks wrong where his hair has the detail and feel that this should be filled in black like the woman's hair.

Out of the two pieces produced by this artist I prefer the woman because she looks better with the hair, the way her body cuts out and also I like how her tattoos aren't all filled in.

Rik Lee's work focuses on the tattoo side also but in a very different way to the artist above. In most of his art works, Rik also uses 3 colours of which are black, white and blue however he changes the opacity of the black to get different shades therefore having grey in the colour scheme for the shading. Rik focuses on the women in his work having a limited amount of men used within his designs, not only does his work focus on the tattoos it also is in a tattoo style which is also shown with his signature and the text on his work for it is using a typeface often used when type is tattooed. I prefer the style of Rik Lee rather than the artist displayed above for rik puts more detail within his work and brings realism within the art with the use of the shading. The tattoos are all seen in a darkish blue, this is to make it stand out against the harsh black with a bit of colour as well as make it stand out against the skin tone shading.

My favourite from the 3 pieces of Rik's work seen to the right would have to be the first one because of the detail in the image and the simplicity of the colours as the one at the bottom has a bit too much colour when the lips and nails are always coloured in however i like the melting effect on her jacket. For an improvement to the bottom image I think that her other jacket sleeve would need to be coloured in to complete the look and more shading to be added into her hair. The top 2 piece of his focuses more on the tattoos and have a lot more shading to show the tone but the first is my favourite because she is facing head on and the tattoos are spread out amongst her instead of just one place. I also like the way that She fades out because the fact that she was faded out is very clean and doesn't look weird however with the arm it looks weird because there is no connection to anything and the arm appeared from nowhere.

I think that the tattoos being in blue is a good idea because it stands out against the harsh black and stands out against the toning of the ski however i think that the blue is off-putting in some points where it looks to much and wrong in cases like the first 2 images because it is all black and white however when it is a cade of having quite a bit of colour already within the image like the one to the right it doesn't looks so bad and isn't so much noticeable due to the colour already being on the piece.

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