Wednesday 5 June 2013

The Kids Are Losing Their Minds ~ Rik Lee

When looking through Rik Lee's website (  I saw this typeface that he has created and illustrated. This is the only typeface seen upon his website and one of the rare pieces with the men being used but as well as men there is also also other things that show animals, scenes or objects. I really like this typeface and think it is beautifully illustrated with different illustrations in each.

I think that in some cases the illustrations were thought about for the creating of the letter but in other cases clipping masks would have been used. I think that the first T and H work very well as well as all the I's, the A and E in are and then the L and O in losing work very well. I think that these are the ones that were thought about because they fit into the letter perfectly and even make the letter in their own way especially the T,H,I,A and E.

I like how the colour scheme consists on 3 colours that are repetitive and go nicely together for the darkness is the same with each of the colours and they do not clash nor dull each other out. The illustrations that do not make the letter fit in nicely because you can still see letters and it also looks pretty, I like the people being used in the letters as well as the animals and scenes such as Vegas diner.

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