Wednesday, 7 November 2012

File Formats ~ Web

HTML ~Hyper Text Markup Language, this is the coding used to display websites and other information displayed in a web browser. It consists of the use angle brackets and slashes to form the code with the information needed also for example:

This is a simple example of a HTML code of which I found on the website seen on the link below:

CSS ~ Cascading Style sheets, this is a style sheet language that is used for the describing of the look and formatting of a document that is written up in a markup language, HTML. This is for things like the font, colour, alignment and size.
This is another simple example which was also found on the same website:

FLA ~ FLA contains source material on the application Flash, this can be used for web for the use of flash design and also the use of creating buttons of which I have an example of from creating my own:

This is the normal timeline.

Whereas the one below is the scene timeline displaying the faces of the button.
SWF ~ Is an adobe flash file format that is used for multimedia, vector graphics and action scripts. This could be containing animations or anything needed to put on a website like activity on the page and buttons.

PHP ~ This is an open source which has the general purpose server, it has side scripting language which was originally designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages.

MYSQ Database ~ This is the open source relation database management system (RDBMS) of which runs as a server providing multi-user asses to a number of accounts.

FTP ~ File Transfer Protocol is the standard network protocol which is used for transferring files from one host to another over a network.

HTTP ~ Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is an application protocol that is used for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems which is the system of data communication for www.

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